1901 Livermore Tour

Please try to put yourself in a frame of mind that is far away from your computer, or tv. Imagine there are no cell phones, computers, or cars. Life's pace is down to horses and foot travel. The only news you get is by newspaper, telegram, train, or word of mouth. There is no air-conditioning or central heating, no indoor plumbing, and not even pavement on the streets. Your only light at night is around your potbellied stove, or lantern. The year is 1901, the beginning of the 20th Century!

(Kindly click pictures to enlarge)

If you folks would care to join us on a quick tour around our town of Livermore, watch your step as the street sweeper only comes around 6:00. Be sure to come back to the station to meet the 4:00 train.

Train Depot

If I can have your attention, across the street from us is the famous McLeod Building. Our best Mercantile store, and tallest building in town. Ladies watch your step.

Here we are at First Street. Feel free to visit McLeods Saloon, or Mercantile store. We have all the modern conveniences, and fashions for the ladies, straight from San Francisco. Before you leave we will view the area from the third floor.

Here you have a view of our beautiful valley, and main street. If you're interested in buyin' a lot, I believe Mr. A.J. McLeod is selling them for only $25 down, and $10 a month.

Don't worry folks, it's just our "Fire Boys" out for practice. You would have heard the bell first if there was a fire. Say folks, before you leave town why don't you follow them back to the station house. They were just given a Light bulb. Can you believe it, actual light from electricity. What can be next?


I wish to thank Lynn Owens for his photos that made this page possible. The picture of the "Fire Boys" is the only picture that was a re-enactment from those days gone by. Actual Livermore Firemen were in the photo from 1967.

I also wish to thank the Heritage Guild for filling in details of names, places, & various details. Also to the Independant for the roof shot on the present day pictures. For more information on that era please contact the Heritage Guild from the links page.

Original Pictures

Combo Pics

Present Pics

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